Our Team

Sandeep Alva

Head of Onex Falcon




Sandeep is Head of Onex Falcon, responsible for overseeing mezzanine and structured equity strategies.

Sandeep founded Falcon Investment Advisors in 2000, which Onex acquired in late 2020. Prior to joining Onex, Sandeep was the President of Hancock Mezzanine Investments, LLC and Senior Managing Director and Mezzanine and Private Equity Team Leader of John Hancock’s Bond & Corporate Finance Group. While at John Hancock, he executed numerous private market transactions, with an emphasis on mezzanine and private equity investments. In addition, Sandeep worked at the investment firm of Joseph, Littlejohn and Levy where he was a Principal involved in the acquisition of operationally and financially distressed companies.

Sandeep serves on the Board of Advisors of Titagya Schools, Ghana.

Sandeep received a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Bombay University and an M.B.A. from Cornell University.